Friday, May 21, 2010

The Nonsectarian Librarian Turns 1

Well, it’s now official. The Nonsectarian Librarian turns 1 today and already, it can walk, talk, and discuss various aspects of the field of librarianship with a reasonable degree of authority. Impressive indeed. At times, I wasn’t really sure if I’d stick it out and continue posting in this forum, but in the end, I’m glad I did having recently received some rather encouraging feedback from a friend about it.

In any case, the coming year begins with a semi-solemn resolution to post more frequently and on a more routine basis. We shall see if those aims come to fruition. However, a few blog ideas, including some controversial ones I’ve been holding off on, are already beginning to take shape in the free range mind of the Nonsectarian Librarian. Check back here to see what happens.

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