Monday, May 3, 2010

Island Hopping

Block Island, Rhode Island is quite easily one of my favorite places on earth for a whole number of peculiar reasons I won't exactly ramble on about in this post. Likewise, Block Island is known world wide for its many incredible sites, attractions, and so on. Interestingly enough though, one of those prime attrractions now officially includes their one and only, Island Free Library. In fact, Library Journal has once again ranked this tiny, unsuspecting library, located literally on a small speck of porkchop-shaped land out in the Atlantic Ocean, with their prestigious 5-Star rating (click here to read the article).

Congratulations to the Island Free Library and its staff for making their remote institution such a distinguished and recognized success in the library world. Moreover, since Block Island is one of my favorite locales, then by extention, so too is its award-winning library! In any case, next time you decide to "rock the Block", make sure to stop by the Island Free Library and definitely check out their special Block Island collection.

P.S. - Last time I checked, the Island Free Library offers non-resident library cards for a fee.

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