Monday, July 12, 2010

Twittered: A Year Later

About a year ago, I posted a column about launching a Twitter site for one of the libraries at which I'm employed. My expressed feelings toward Twitter have not really changed to any degree but as promised, I stated that I would return to the issue one full year later and review the results.

So here we are, exactly a year and two days later and after some moderate but continuous marketing of this electronic social networking/marketing device, the library has about 45 followers to show for it, most of whom appear to be legitimate and not spammers. Whether or not these figures are typical for a library is hard to say, though I must admit to not being particularly impressed.

On a positive note, the library does have a frequently updated presence on a popular social networking site, one that also proved to be rather easy to administrate and is of course, cost free. Furthermore, I've received no negative feedback and have even overheard some minor positive reactions to it. Whether or not anyone is actaully paying attention to what's posted there, even the 45 known followers, is another question.