Friday, November 20, 2009

The Psychedelic Library

A number of weeks ago, I received an untitled email from a very close artist friend of mine. In the body of the email, a short message mysteriously read, "this is a great library man". Upon opening the over 6mb attachment, I had to not only agree, but go on and immediately print a copy to display in my office wall at work.

Please note, the above image has not been photoshopped or otherwise digitally manipulated in any way. The black and white photograph was self-taken this autumn at my friend's 200+ acre property in upstate New York, using only his cell phone for the shot. Of course, the 'library' itself was constructed by the artist himself.

Much could be said as to the interpretation of this unique biblio-sculpture, but I won't bias your appraisal of it by revealing my own analysis. However, a colleague of his was almost astonished upon viewing this photo and reacted by saying something along the lines of, "wow, you really live in a world of your own imagination". In a way, this statement is quite accurate in that the artist's work is essentially a physical manifestation of the contents of his imagination. For that reason, I shall refer to this piece as, "The Psychedelic Library", for it is both literally and figuratively, a true manifestation of the mind.